
The MA in Politics and Economics of Contemporary Eastern and Southeastern Europe provides each student with the best combination of knowledge and skills through well designed courses and balanced schedule. The academic and administrative staff are extremely friendly and helpful, and guide the students throughout the whole experience. While the program combines two correlated and at the same time widely different directions like Politics and Economics are, it allows exploring either both or one of these directions for an in-depth study. However, one isn't limited only to these two, complex and interesting fields: the program opens new doors towards a wider variety of professions, as the knowledge it gives is a perfect base to make confident steps in the professional world.My experience with program has been amazing, and it has indeed given me a valuable combination of professional and personal experiences. Through the thoughtfully organized classes and educational trips, I have definitely learnt a lot about the Politics and Economics of Contemporary Eastern and Southeastern Europe, while the multinational environment allowed me and my classmates from different countries share our experiences, backgrounds and views, and become lifetime friends.